Infographic: Different Coffee-Brewing Methods
No other beverage is or has ever been more personal than coffee. The ritual, the aromas, and the personalization are some of the first thoughts we have in the morning. Other than being personal, it is also a beverage that perks us up, keeps us going, motivated through the day, and some of us rely on it for survival… or they literally die. Coffee has become a beverage that has integrated itself into society’s fabric.
Understanding the coffee preparations methods can broaden our creativity when it comes to sipping a good cuppa. Brewing coffee by ourselves, experimenting with different brewing styles or knowing what brewing methods are out there only makes our personal experience of coffee even more enriching than it already may be.
Each coffee brewing method has its characters distilled into the brewed beverage, and thus each brewing method in itself exemplifies individualism. Some may even argue that each brewing method is an art form. We too, at Dripdash, believe coffee brewing is an art since each method involves steps that wholly appeal to all five of our senses: start by selecting coffee grounds that best suit and appeal to our sense of smell, check the coarseness with touch, grade the bean color with our eyes, choose a brewing method based on our characteristic experiences of taste, spend time brewing a cup or four, hear the melodic dripping of the brew with our ears, and of course take a sip once it is served.
Most brewing methods make you feel more involved in the process, thus making your cup of coffee all the more personal. Coffee brewing is also an experience that bonds people with coffee brands, brewers, roasters, and the origin of the beans. It is a shared experience. At Dripdash, we brew using the Kyoto Style Cold Drip method. This brewing method (also known as Dutch Coffee) involves a manual preparation and handcrafting in order to serve a unique craft. We do it this way as it produces the most flavorful beverage along with the strongest pack of punch. This is exactly why we wanted to come up with an infographic that details seven different brewing methods, a bit of their history, and the character traits they impart.
We hope that Learning about each coffee brewing method, best bean types for each coffee brewing method, types of coffee grinds, the time it takes for your coffee brew to form, your involvement required in each brewing method, expectations of taste, etc. from this infographic will enhance your coffee drinking experience and knowledge by some measure.
Different Coffee-Brewing Styles: An Infographic

Bonus — Enjoying your Coffee: Some Tips from an Avid Coffee Maker
An optimal hot cup of coffee begins to lose its appeal and taste right after the brewing is completed. Thus it makes sense only to brew as much coffee as you’ll drink. While this tip holds for hot coffee, cold brews or cold drip coffees are the opposite. The tastes and flavors of cold-brewed coffee or slow drip coffee increase with time. So you can stock up as much as you’d like on cold brews.
Finally, whether it is a hot brewed or slow-brewed coffee, make sure to enjoy sipping your coffee brew as reflectively as it was prepared (by you, by the staff at a cafe you visit, or by a brand — doesn’t matter. All coffee brewing is art) — smell the aroma, pay attention to the flavor, and stop to smell the roses (or beans in this case).